Why Didn’t I Make It Past the First Interview?

HiRes.jpgThe CAS University Engagement Committee contacted Actuarial Careers, Inc., and invited them to write a blog post to provide you with tips on how to successfully advance through an interview process. We thank Actuarial Careers’ Robyn Taylor, Senior Vice President, for writing this post to share with members of CAS Student Central.  

Did you ever wonder why you didn’t make it to the next round of interviews for a new job?  You looked great, you showed up on time, and you gave the hiring manager a firm handshake – all the while smiling and showing what a good fit you would be for the role.  Well, there are some finer points to advancing through the interview process that take a little more work and preparation.  Here’s what you need to do next time so you don’t get eliminated early.

  • Research the employer: The internet is your friend.  In this day and age, if you can’t take the time to read over the company’s general background information you are doing yourself a disservice.  At the very least, you should know who owns the company, whether or not it is publicly traded, and any big news items that have appeared over the last 12 months.
  • Know your resume inside and out, and be able to provide concrete examples of your skills:  Employers want to know that you have the substance to back up the words on your resume.  Too often, I hear managers say “Gee, she looked great on paper, but she really couldn’t tell me what she had been doing!”  Also, be prepared for technical questions related to your work.   If you say you know SAS or SQL, for instance, you need to be able to field questions on the topic.
  • Be ready to ask intelligent questions:  You should have at least three or four questions regarding the job or the company prepared in advance.  Good topics are day to day duties, the actuarial career path at the company, and if the company anticipates any new projects or initiatives over the next six to twelve months.  Inappropriate questions are related to salary, benefits, and vacation time.  Save these until you receive an offer.

The truth is, you can never be too prepared for an interview.  If you want to be the one offered the position with the actuarial team you’ve admired so far, you need to show you are a candidate who brings thoughtfulness and substance to the table.  With a little pre-game work, you can do it!

About Robyn Taylor: Robyn Taylor is a Senior Vice President working with our Property and Casualty candidates and clients. She places candidates at all levels, from students through Chief Actuaries. Robyn has over 20 years’ experience working in both insurance and recruiting.  After working in human resources and recruiting in the entertainment and business information specialties, Robyn moved into insurance agency management. During that time, she became a licensed life and health agent. She joins her expertise in both recruiting and insurance as a Property and Casualty recruiting specialist for the company.  You can reach Robyn at rtaylor@actuarialcareers.com.

Actuarial Careers, Inc.® is a highly specialized executive recruiting firm exclusively dedicated to the placement and advancement of Chief Actuaries, Fellows, Associates and pre-Associates on a worldwide basis.  Our dedicated Property & Casualty team is continuously surveying the market for top candidates and exciting new opportunities. The entire professional staff of Actuarial Careers, Inc.® is committed to providing the finest service in the industry.  See more at www.actuarialcareers.com.

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The Value of Actuarial Internships

The diverse number of career paths that an actuarial student can consider after college can seem daunting.  A student must first weigh consulting versus company work and then consider whether Property & Casualty, Health, Life, or Pension work is right for them.

I’m frequently asked “How is consulting different from working at an insurance company? Which would be a better fit for me?”  The list of pros and cons with each seem to vary dramatically by individual.  A great way to determine which is right for you is to give them each shot!  An internship will allow you experience each path without a long term commitment.

The same idea applies to the decision between Property & Casualty, Health, Life, and Pension actuarial work.  I was fortunate to get two internships during college – one with a property & casualty consulting firm and one with a health insurance company.  Having both experiences gave me confidence that when I chose my first full time job, it was the right one.

Speaking of a full time job – many internships turn into full time work.  Imagine your senior year without the stress of working on your resume and interviewing!  I’m sure you’ve heard over and over again that it’s critical to find a company that you like, not just one that likes you.  I always struggled with this advice.  “How am I supposed to decide if I’ll like it here after an hour long interview with a select number of staff?!”  Internships are a great way to get to know a company and identify workplace attributes that are important to you.

A couple of last bonus benefits – many actuarial internships are paid and are a great way to give a new city a test drive without a long term commitment!

Emily Allen, FCAS, MAAA is a consulting actuary at Milliman in Wakefield, Massachusetts.

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How to Get Involved on Campus: The Actuarial Way

I didn’t dream about becoming an actuary when I was growing up. I didn’t research it as I was applying to colleges. I didn’t even plan on it when I started college. However, once I discovered the career a year into college, I decided that it was the path I wanted to pursue. Learning that my school didn’t have an actuarial science program seemed to pose a challenge at first, but I learned that by getting involved in on-campus activities, I was able to gain experience and skills that would identify me as a well-rounded candidate and make me marketable to an actuarial employer.

Here are a few ideas of activities that I have found to be beneficial in preparing for an actuarial career:

Join An Industry Related Club

Actuarial Science Club: If an Actuarial Science Club doesn’t exist at your school already, it is usually pretty easy to set up. To get a club started at my school, all you need is eleven other students and a professor willing to serve as an advisor. Our club was founded just a few years before I began attending meetings, and I was elected as president my third year of school. The club’s main purpose is to be an academic resource since our school does not have an Actuarial Science program. We host speakers from various companies, coordinate workshops to study for exams and to learn computer programming skills, rent out exam study manuals, help students find internships, promote actuarial science around campus, and advocate for relevant courses and VEE course approval.

Gamma Iota Sigma: Gamma Iota Sigma is the international professional fraternity dedicated to insurance, risk management, and actuarial science. You can check out their website to see if your school has a chapter, learn about the organization, and see the events and resources it offers for students. If your campus doesn’t have a chapter, the website walks you through the process of creating one.

Strengthen Your Technical Skills

Join clubs related to math, business, computer programming, or economics to improve your technical skills and knowledge relevant to the insurance industry. I am a member of the Math Club, for example, which has professors speak about their work and organizes for students to complete challenging problems and puzzles together.

Enhance Your Soft Skills

Join organizations that can improve your “soft” skills.  A skill of increasing importance is the ability to effectively communicate ideas and processes to businesspeople who are not highly trained in our field. My sophomore year, I joined our university tour guide organization, which allows me to practice my communication skills and increase my comfort level in front of large groups of strangers. You can also work in jobs that require customer service for practice in this area.

Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

Trying something out of your comfort zone is where you will be challenged and learn the most about yourself. You’ll also gain unique skills that may give you an advantage over your peers. Freshman year of college, I was a research assistant for a federally funded program called Proactive Recruitment in Science and Mathematics. Although this kind of research had nothing to do with actuarial science, I learned to use some new computer programs and techniques for working with data that are still applicable to the work actuaries perform, and I always have something interesting to discuss in interviews!

Be True to Yourself

Building your resume is great, but only if you are enjoying yourself in the process. Recruiters will want to hear about what you are passionate about, even if it isn’t always math and computers. You never know what you may have in common that starts a memorable conversation. For me, this includes reading for book club, dancing at ballroom club, playing flute in pep band, volunteering internationally, and playing intramural sports.

Develop Your Leadership Skills

When being involved on campus, look for ways to step up as a leader. This may mean holding a position as an officer in a club, such as President, or Chief Administrative Officer, or being a mentor to younger students in a shared major or program.

Get Paid for Your Work

If you are looking to make an income simultaneously, look for a work-study or part time job around campus. You may be able to find opportunities such as grading for the math department or tutoring in various subjects that can be relevant to your future career—while also filling your wallet each week!

This is a lot to consider, and obviously you cannot be part of dozens of activities while also focusing on schoolwork and enjoying your college years, but don’t be afraid to try new things to find out what you enjoy. Even the experiences and activities not related to actuarial science paint a picture of your personality and interests. Recruiters want to know that you will be able to juggle work and other activities. Most importantly, be yourself and enjoy the activities you pursue!

Catherine Erdelyi is a senior at Northeastern University and a winner of the 2015 – 2016 CAS Trust Scholarship. 

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How My Interest in Guiding Actuarial Students Led to a New Career Path

In 2006, I partook in the creation of an online company, The Infinite Actuary, to provide online actuarial exam prep seminars.  Responding to the idea that came from my business partner, James Washer, FSA, a small group of actuaries with teaching experience collaborated to form The Infinite Actuary.  However, my story starts long before this.

My junior year of college, Jobs Rated Almanac named Actuary the number one job in America.  Great salary, normal work hours, and math – I was sold!  My first job was with a large insurer.  The work really interested me, but my favorite part was the opportunity to advance quickly – all I had to do was pass a few exams.  I love the ability to control my own destiny.  I am very competitive, and in a large company there was definitely pressure to pass exams.  This competition propelled me to finish the exams quickly.  After achieving my FCAS, I decided to become a consulting actuary.  The work was new and challenging, but only a year removed from the exam process, I missed it.  I fortunately came across an opportunity to teach a live exam prep seminar for the Casualty Actuaries of the Mid-Atlantic Region, a regional affiliate of the CAS.  I discovered my passion for teaching and soon started instructing seminars with other regional affiliates.

As I continued to teach seminars, I started a new job with a small insurer.  The work differed from that of either a large insurer or a consulting firm.  I became more of a decision maker for the company as a whole instead of just one line of business or project.  Six years after teaching my first seminar, I was given the opportunity to teach full-time with The Infinite Actuary.  I do love teaching, but I didn’t realize the work involved with running your own company.  Fortunately, the skills developed at both large and small insurers, as well as my experience as a consulting actuary, helped me develop and manage the business.

At first, I was teaching all, or part of, three exam seminars.  This included developing written content, recording online videos, and teaching live seminars.  On top of this, we were continuing to build and improve our website, hire and manage instructors, deal with the many financial tasks, and most importantly, market our product.  As our business grew, customer service became more time consuming.  Adding support staff became critical if we wanted to be successful.

Today, we have a full staff to help the business run smoothly.  I currently manage the financial and marketing areas of the company, as well as the casualty seminars.  In a typical week, I have several staff meetings, work on advertising to companies and universities, discuss strategies for business development, complete various tasks related to financials, add new educational content, and review new or updated exam prep material.  My background as an actuary prepared me for the challenge of becoming a successful small business owner.

Ken Fikes, FCAS, is the executive director at The Infinite Actuary.

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Top 10 Interview Questions for Actuarial Students

The CAS University Engagement Committee contacted Pauline Reimer, director at Pryor Associates, and invited her to write a blog post to provide interview tips for CAS Student Central members, that you can utilize as you embark on your early career. 

Top 10 Interview Questions for Actuarial Students_2.jpg

As a seasoned, designated actuary as well as an experienced actuarial recruiter, I advise trainees to be prepared for the following most common questions asked on an actuarial first job interview in the property and casualty industry:

1. Tell me about yourself.

 The purpose of this question is for the interviewer to get an initial view of your communication and interpersonal skills. First, summarize the highlights of your resume, then outline several skill sets that would demonstrate your ability to perform well.  Refrain from speaking about family, friends, pets, etc.

2. Why do you want to be an actuary?

Most actuaries enter the field because of their passion for mathematics combined with their interest in business, data analytics, modeling and finance.

3. Why are you interested in the property and casualty industry?

Focus on the fact that the property and casualty industry involves hundreds of varied and interesting lines of business as well as emerging issues that are ever-changing and can affect the public on a daily basis (e.g., self-driving cars, catastrophic events, terrorism, identity theft, etc.).

4.  What is your ideal job?

Stay on target with the position you are applying for. Make sure your input matches the job description, company size, and location. Include that you’re seeking a company supportive of the actuarial examination process.

5. What is your best/worst attribute?

For best quality, without sounding boastful, emphasize attributes (yes, it can be multiple!) that speak to your ability to get a job done under almost any circumstances, e.g., dedication, persistence, attention both to detail as well as the big picture, ability to work independently or part of a team, etc.

For worst quality, either select an example that won’t adversely impact your job performance [e.g., bad penmanship or poor spelling (adding “that’s why I always use spellcheck”)] or talk about a skillset that you are competent in but would like to enhance. Always inject a positive spin if you are mentioning a negative quality.

6. What is your biggest accomplishment?

Try to select an achievement from your personal or business life that is not obviously listed on your resume and reflects something that an employer might value (e.g., I maintained a 3.9 GPA while working 30 hours per week, attending classes full-time, and graduating in 2.5 years).

7. What is your biggest disappointment?

This could also be personal or professional, but should be one that does not impact your current ability to be successful on the job.  Avoid citing failed actuarial exams as your example.

8. What do you know about our company?

Conduct research on the organization’s financials, products, history, and marketing. A good source is the company 10K which would also include a management discussion of the short and long term goals of the organization. Investigate interviewers’ backgrounds by using LinkedIn, but don’t initiate connecting with them.

9. Why should we hire you?

This is your opportunity to sell yourself (without sounding pompous)!  Reiterate your strengths and cite examples of how the company could benefit by hiring you.

10. Why do you want to work here?

Remark on why you are interested in this particular company, job description, and location. Sound enthusiastic about the company’s culture, reputation, and opportunities available to you.


Prepare at least 5-10 questions about the organization. Ask predominantly business-related questions that reflect on your intellectual curiosity and business acumen. Don’t ask questions whose answers can be found by reading the company’s website; instead ask questions that embellish on some facts you researched. If interviewing at an insurance company, inquire which of their lines of business are the fastest growing, which new products or regions they plan to expand into, how their financial results for the current year compare to projected, etc. Forgo asking questions that will not impress an interviewer (e.g., work life balance or benefits questions).

Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA, has directed the Actuarial, Modeling & Risk Division of Pryor Associates since 1986, after working as an actuary herself.  Named a top recruiting firm by Dun & Bradstreet, Pryor has 45 years of insurance (P&C, Life, Health, Pensions, Investments, Catastrophe Modeling, Predictive Modeling, and Risk Management) placement experience. 

Pauline is a CAS Centennial Partner, on the SOA Entrepreneurial Actuaries Section Council, Executive Board of ASNY, and advisory boards of Columbia University’s and New York University’s Actuarial Science programs. Quoted in periodicals and television, Pauline handles each step of every actuarial and risk assignment personally.

Her impressive placement record of 99% retention rate and retained search success ratio confirm her status as one of the most successful recruiters of actuaries and related professionals worldwide. Her motto “It Takes One To Know One … An Actuary Placing Actuaries (and Related Professionals)” seems to describe this best.

Pauline can be reached at pauline@ppryor.com or 516.935.0100×307.

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The Key Factors that Defined My Actuarial Career Choices

Early in my career, people would often ask me how I ended up on my specific career path as an actuary. As a freshman studying Actuarial Science at Ball State University, I took a very active role early on in Gamma Iota Sigma, the International Risk Management Fraternity. I went to every employer campus presentation and signed up for every interview. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t end up with an internship that year; but, I was able to get a feel for what companies had the most interesting internship programs, were in attractive locations, and had the most engaging actuarial staff and recruiters. I based my list of preferred companies on these types of factors because I didn’t yet know what the work would entail.

Fast forward one year and I finally started getting internship offers, several of which were from property and casualty companies. I became especially interested in the property and casualty internships because of the heavy statistical focus and the incredible variety of insurance products. I ultimately went to work for CNA in Chicago in the reserving department. As a freshman, CNA had stood out as my top choice for many reasons, not the least of which were the excellent presenters/actuaries that came to our campus. I was extremely impressed by the people I worked with and for, and I knew at that point that as long as there were additional property and casualty opportunities for me I would love to continue on that path.

I interned the next summer in Towers Watson’s property and casualty practice (San Francisco). One great aspect of the property and casualty work that summer was the variety of customers I was able to serve, including cities, hospitals, corporations big and small, and even a manufacturer of parts used in plastic surgery. At Towers Watson, I was once again amazed at how sharp everyone was. Working with such intelligent and creative people left a lasting impression and was another confirmation that I was on the right path.

As you are considering different companies and career paths, it’s very important (in my opinion) to find the people and a company culture that motivate you to do your best work. The actual details and responsibilities of your job will change over time but the people that you meet and the things that you learn from each other are far more lasting.

Josh Spencer, ACAS, CERA, MAAA is the chief actuary at Brotherhood Mutual in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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Career Path Perspectives: The Consulting Actuary

As insurance and regulation needs of companies continue to evolve, the role of a consulting actuary is becoming increasingly important to business.  In addition to corporations, consultants work with insurance companies, government entities, healthcare entities and regulators. Consultants will often work directly with CEOs, CFOs and risk managers, who are concerned with minimizing the risk of their company and doing so at the optimal price.  Some consultants may frequently travel to meet with clients locally, nationally, or even internationally.  Typical assignments involve loss reserving and forecasting of insurance losses, especially those losses which are retained by a company.   Projects may also include allocations to business units, reviewing excess or reinsurance quotes, determining confidence levels, and helping with the formation of a captive.  Consulting actuaries are increasingly being engaged to complete more Enterprise Risk Management, strategic planning and predictive modeling assignments.

The key to a successful consulting career is the ability to manage client expectations and needs at the same time.  Many times a consultant may come to office expecting to work on a particular project that day, but get a call from a client who has an urgent need that must be addressed.  While this can add to the pressure of the job, more often this situation creates a challenge that is met with great enthusiasm by consultants.  Clients may think of the consultant as not only an actuary, but as a true advisor.  Consultants typically have to be able to problem solve quickly and involve creative thinking.  They also spend a lot of their time interacting with other people and are required to have excellent communication skills.  Whether through in-person presentations or conference calls, consultants must be able to share the results of their work, so that the client is able to fully understand and use the results to meet their needs.

The final aspect of being a consultant, which is different than other actuarial roles, is business development.  Consultants have to continue to ensure that their business succeeds, which is achieved by client retention, gaining new clients and increasing revenue.  Consultants keep ahead of the curve of their competitors and should constantly be selling products and services.  Successful annual sales can be a challenge and requires a significant amount of time.  Some consultant may develop a special expertise or new product to attract new clients, while others may focus on research, speaking at industry conferences, or publishing papers. While the idea of sales may be intimidating to some, many consultants view it as an appropriate challenge after finishing actuarial exams and enjoy the thrill of matching their expertise with the needs of a client or potential client.

Richard Frese, FCAS, MAAA, is a consulting actuary at Milliman in Chicago.

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Preparing to be an Actuary at a School Without an Actuarial Science Program

One of the strengths of the actuarial profession is its willingness – indeed, its desire – to welcome and accommodate people with very different backgrounds.  In our roles as identifiers, quantifiers, and managers of risk, actuaries benefit society by utilizing the variety of perspectives and approaches to risk that diversity provides.

One aspect of diversity and strength within the actuarial profession involves schools and majors.  The CAS recognizes that good students and future actuaries can and will emerge from colleges with small, or even no, actuarial science program, and that students with non-actuarial majors can provide unique and important perspectives and skills. To be sure, there are certain realities about the actuarial profession – one must have at least a minimal level of quantitative skill, and be able to pass actuarial exams.  Beyond that, though, there are a variety of skills and perspectives that are valuable in an actuarial career.

Below is a list of some courses that a student at basically any university should consider taking in preparation for a career as an actuary:

  • Probability and Statistics: Most schools have at least one or two courses in probability and statistics.  This material is foundational for the quantitative skills required by actuaries.  A full year of probability and statistics – i.e., a two-semester-course sequence – would be ideal.  It would also be ideal if these courses had a full sequence of calculus as their prerequisite.  But if your school offers something different in this area, take whatever is available.
  • Other Math: Good math is always worth studying – not necessarily because of the material itself, but because it helps to build a systematic and logical way of thinking.  Certainly, you should take the full sequence of calculus courses offered, but additional courses beyond calculus and probability-statistics are often worthwhile.  Courses involving linear algebra, regression analysis, or advanced statistics are particularly worth considering, but courses like advanced calculus or analysis can also sharpen your quantitative skills.
  • Economics: Developing an understanding of economic issues and processes is one of the best things you can do for yourself – whether you end up being an actuary, or most anything else.  Take (at least) a basic microeconomics and a basic macroeconomic course.  In addition to learning the classroom material, regularly read the economics section of a newspaper, and try to develop an intuitive “feel” for economics.  There are also many excellent general-readership books available that can help you better appreciate the economic forces affecting individuals, countries, and the world.
  • Finance: Try to take at least one finance course, covering the basics of corporate finance, investments, and/or derivatives.  A course that covers some financial math (e.g., interest theory, bond and loan mathematics) is particularly valuable.
  • Computer Science: Learn some programming – and it doesn’t matter too much what language or software you study, because the foundational skills are largely transferable to others.  Beyond basics like Word and Excel, items worth being exposed to include any of Visual Basic, C++, R, and SAS.
  • Communications: The best actuaries are the ones who combine excellent technical abilities with the “softer” skills.  Try to take courses that expose you to, and enhance your skills in, both verbal and written communications.
  • Science: Actuaries often model natural phenomena and their impact on humans.  Science courses can help you to appreciate the underlying principals and forces that result in risks.
  • Other: Strive to be a student of the world.  Our world and civilization are a complex network of interconnected and interdependent forces and activities.  Understanding how it all fits together, and where the risks and potential for breakdowns are, represents the value of the actuarial function.  Almost any subject, and any academic department, will have courses that are relevant to this broad perspective.

Many of the courses and skills mentioned above are expanded upon in the CAS Curriculum Guide, available to download in the online community. The Guide will help you identify experiences to seek out while in college to prepare for a future career as an actuary.

Actuarial science is one of the most multi-disciplinary of professions.  Whether your major is math, economics, or business – or philosophy, history, or science – you will encounter skills and a way of thinking that are useful to a potential career in actuarial science.  And whatever college or university you call home, you can make your dreams of becoming an actuary come true!

Rick Gorvett, FCAS, is Director of the Actuarial Science Program and is the State Farm Companies Foundation Scholar in Actuarial Science at University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, where he has taught for 14 years. He also serves on the CAS Board of Directors and the CAS University Engagement Committee. 

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6 Tips for Landing and Excelling at an Actuarial Internship

3 Tips for Landing an Actuarial Internship

1. Stay Ahead of the Game: The timing of when you get your resume out to

a company is critical. It’s important to know that most companies tend to finish hiring in December for the actuarial summer intern positions. This means you should plan to update and polish your resume soon after you return to school in the fall. Many companies will be posting positions in August and September, so be on the lookout for the positions you want at your top prospects.

2. Know the Company: It’s extremely important to always know information about the company with which you’re interviewing. It’s quite apparent in interviews when a candidate hasn’t done any research on the company and skirts any questions about why they’re interested in working at the company. In contrast, when candidates do look into information about the company and share what they find interesting, it shows a deep interest in the company. This can go a long way.

3. Remain Professional: Remember to always keep a professional demeanor. Some interviewing processes entail interviews with younger or newer actuaries at the company to help facilitate easier conversations. This is a great time to ask questions you might have forgotten to ask in the more ‘formal’ interview, but remember this time is still being used as an interview and being professional is still crucial.

3 Tips for Excelling at an Actuarial Internship

1. Stay Up to Date on Current Events:  Before and during your internship, it’s important to stay on top of the news and what’s happening in the world. I don’t mean just staying current in the worlds of sports or celebrities, but rather the worlds of politics, finance, healthcare, technology, and so many more. All of these can impact insurance companies since insurance touches almost every industry. In addition, issues around the world can affect the company at which you’re interning as a result of increased reinsurance and increasingly global companies. I’m not saying you need to be an expert on all things, but having a general understanding of the major news of the day will serve you well.

2. Network: Developing professional relationships with coworkers can benefit you both during and after the internship. It’s important to develop a few strong relationships. Most companies will pair you with a mentor to help you answer your day-to-day questions, while your manager might meet with you weekly. Use these meetings as an opportunity to showcase your work efforts, your ability to be a team player, and your interpersonal skills. It’s also important to build a network with other actuarial interns and new hires at the company. This group will be seeing a wide range of actuarial roles across the company as they’re learning and being trained in different capacities. By asking questions about the work they’re doing, you can expand your knowledge of what other actuaries do and start formulating ideas on which actuarial function most interests you for a future internship or a full-time starting position.

3. Utilize Feedback to Grow Professionally: Take advantage of a mid-summer review. Your summer internship will fly by quickly. Internships usually range between 10-12 weeks, and by the time you get settled in, it’ll seem like your end date is right around the corner. Your mid-summer review can help you to hone in on the skills that you still need to develop during your time with the company. Your manager might schedule one with you but if not, I suggest asking your manager if he/she would conduct one with you to give you feedback on how the summer is progressing. Most managers will discuss how your first few weeks have been going, and point out a few places you could grow and develop. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking those development suggestions to heart and trying to improve. An important attribute of a great employee is being someone who can accept constructive criticism and respond by making positive changes.

Anthony Pragovich, ACAS, is a senior actuarial analyst at Zurich North America. In addition to his role in pricing, he is a member of Zurich’s core actuarial recruiting team.

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What You Will Learn from the CAS Student Central Webinar Recording: Excel and R for Actuaries

A recording of the CAS Student Central Webinar: Excel and R for Actuaries is now available to watch in the Online Community! This one-hour webinar will introduce you to how actuaries use these programs to analyze data. You will find the software features demonstrated during the webinar beneficial as you start your upcoming internships and embark on your career. Early experience with the software will strengthen your resume and can provide you with a competitive advantage when applying to jobs.

What Is Covered?

Derek Wong, actuarial consultant at CNA Insurance, kicks off the webinar with a demonstration of Excel. As the industry standard for spreadsheets, this software is used to analyze and calculate data, as well as organize information and create exhibits. Derek uses a dataset containing statistics from the National Football League (NFL) to demonstrate how to use functions, data validation, pivot tables, filters, conditional formatting, as well as Look-Up, Index, and Match rules. He also briefly explains Visual Basics Application (VBA), a programming language that can be used to automate manual tasks within Excel. Knowledge of VBA is an excellent way to stand out at an organization during your early career!

Brian Fannin, chief actuary at the Redwoods Group, provides you with a brief introduction to R, a free software and language that is used by actuaries (and many other professionals) for statistical computing and data analysis. Brian uses the same NFL data to demonstrate how you will use R to explore data through numeric and statistical graphics, construct new data, and build models to help analyze and visualize the data.

How Can I Practice What I’ve Learned?

Excel2.JPGAfter the webinar, use the NFL data to test your knowledge of Excel with follow up problems that are posted in the Online Community Forum: Excel and R for Actuaries – Follow Up. The first 10 students to submit an answer to one or more of the problems will receive a CAS Student Central Tervis Tumbler! You can also use the forum to ask Derek and Brian questions about Excel, R, or the follow up problems.

You are encouraged to download R and R-Studio, a free tool that many actuaries use when working with R, and continue playing with the data. Brian also recommends visiting R-bloggers.com, which is a great source for news and tutorials on the software.

Finally – stay tuned to CAS Student Central! We will continue providing you with information and tutorials on key software packages that you will use in your future career.

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