Important Announcement for the April/May 2025 Exam Registration Window

Candidates: Please ensure that you register for your April/May 2025 Exam only within your designated registration window. Attempts to register outside of your assigned window will be canceled. Registering outside of your window violates #17 of the Exam Discipline Policy and may result in referral to the Disciplinary Committee for further action, which could include disqualification.

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Watch Now! CAS Student Central Webinar:  Introduction to Property & Casualty Pricing

Explore the fundamentals of Property & Casualty Pricing in the recently recorded CAS Student Central Webinar! This session introduces key terminology and walks you through a simplified insurance scenario of pricing a Mobile Device Warranty. Discover answers to essential questions like, “Why do we buy insurance?” and “What factors determine the right charge for insurance coverage?” Plus, learn why understanding different segments of risk is crucial for creating an effective pricing structure. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge—watch the recording now!

Watch Now!

Not yet a member of CAS Student Central? Join this free membership program today and access the CAS Student Central Webinar Library!

Meet the Presenter

Ken Williams is a Staff Actuary of the Casualty Actuarial Society, a leading international organization for credentialing and professional education of actuaries. Founded in 1914, the CAS is the world’s only actuarial organization focused exclusively on property and casualty risks and serves over 10,000 members worldwide.

In his work with the CAS, Ken is a frequent author and presenter on a variety of actuarial subjects.

Prior to joining the CAS, Ken spent 26 years working in the insurance industry in a variety of actuarial practice areas, including pricing, loss reserve analysis, budgeting, and enterprise risk management.

Ken was a lecturer in the Mathematics department at Illinois State University for over 20 years. He holds a BS in Actuarial Science from Purdue University and is both a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS), and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA).



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2025 CAS Trust Scholarship

Apply for the 2025-2026 CAS Trust Scholarship!

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 CAS Trust Scholarship! The CAS Trust Scholarship Foundation, funded by donations to the CAS Trust, is open to full-time college students pursuing a career in actuarial science. Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,500 and $5,000 for the 2025-2026 academic year.

The CAS Trust Scholarship Program application details and eligibility requirements are outlined below.

Applicant Eligibility Requirements:

  • Submit all sections of the CAS Trust Scholarship application by January 31, 2025.
  • Must be currently attending a college or a university as a full-time student and continuing as a full-time student in the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Must have sat for at least one actuarial exam by March 31, 2025.
  • Must be a member of CAS Student Central.

Application Details: You must submit all the following to apply.

  • The online CAS Trust Scholarship application and essay.
  • Two recommendation letters included in the application, preferably completed by an internship supervisor, instructor, and/or adviser at your educational institution who knows you well.
  • A current transcript. Indicate whether the academic term is a semester, trimester, or quarter. If the current transcript shows grades for only one academic term, then also provide the official transcript from your prior educational institution.

Interested in applying? Please visit the CAS Trust Scholarship Program web page to learn more and submit your application.

If you have any questions about the CAS Trust Scholarship application, please email Completed applications must be submitted by January 31, 2025, and winners will be notified by May 31, 2025.

About CAS Student Central: CAS Student Central is a membership program for university students interested in pursuing an actuarial career. Join a community of nearly 8,000 students from over 600 universities who have already joined this free membership program to access career resources, study tools, and more!

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Fifth CAS Student Central Summer Program Completed!

The CAS is excited to announce the completion of the fifth Student Central Summer Program, with students from over 32 countries participating worldwide across three different summer program models. This year, we are thrilled to award certificates to a record number of graduates, totaling 473 graduates between the Mentor-led, Independent, and East Asia Summer Programs.  

Mentor-led & Independent Summer Programs 

The CAS Student Central Summer Program was established at the start of the global pandemic in 2020, to help bridge the experience gap for students whose internships were abruptly canceled. As the program has developed over the past several years, it has evolved into one that seeks to expand a diverse pool of students’ knowledge of the Property and Casualty actuarial profession. The activities students participated in over the past couple months include:   

  • Weekly modules that consisted of webinars and exercises on P&C actuarial topics, including pricing, reserving, data visualization, and more 
  • Connecting and networking with practicing actuaries serving as mentors to a cohort of students, helping them navigate the program content while providing real-world insights and examples. 
  • Working with their cohort members on a homeowners’ insurance pricing case study and presenting their research to professionals in a case competition. 

As part of the Mentor-led program, 24 student cohorts competed against one another in the end of program case competition. Congratulations again cohorts 2, 5, 12, 16, and 18 for winning their panels based on their presentation skills, technical analysis, and business knowledge.  

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that over 40 outstanding students from the Mentor-led Summer Program have been accepted into the CAS Student Central Scholars Program. This program provides high-achieving students from the summer program with the opportunity to continue their engagement with the CAS throughout the next academic year, offering networking events, access to actuarial study resources, extended mentorship, and more. We look forward to welcoming the upcoming class of CAS Student Central Scholars.  

The CAS also hosts an Independent Summer Program, providing participants the opportunity to learn the same actuarial subjects over the course of six weeks at their own pace. This summer, we offered a Discord server as a medium for students to connect and network with one another. This was also our largest program of the summer, with over 250 graduates worldwide at its completion. 

East Asia Summer Program 

Last summer, the CAS launched our newest summer program iteration with the East Asia Summer Program. With nearly 400 students from nine different countries applying to participate in this summer’s program, word has spread quickly about the benefits of participating in this unique educational opportunity. This program brings together actuarial science students in East Asia with successful CAS members working in their region to share about the general insurance profession in the local context.  

Students participated in the five-week course, which consisted of a combination of live sessions involving lectures and office hours with CAS members, as well as a team-based data analytics case competition. This year 86 students successfully fulfilled the program requirements to earn a certificate for their participation in the 2024 East Asia Summer Program. 

We would like to congratulate all participants of the Mentor-led, Independent, and East Asia Summer Programs for earning their badges of completion! We commend you for the hard work and dedication you have all demonstrated over the past several weeks.  

To our Dedicated Volunteers 

We also want to extend our sincere gratitude to the over 50 dedicated members who volunteered their time and expertise throughout the 2024 Summer Program. These practicing actuaries served as mentors, speakers, case competition judges, and more, providing invaluable support to ensure the success of this year’s program. 

Their commitment to guiding the next generation of actuaries goes beyond enriching our students’ experience, sustaining the program’s initiative each year. Without our hardworking community of practicing members and volunteers, the CAS Student Central Summer Program would not be the robust learning experience that it is today. We are incredibly thankful for their ongoing support and tireless efforts in making a lasting impact on future actuaries.  

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Apply for the 2024 Midwestern Actuarial Forum (MAF) Scholarship


The objective of the scholarship is to further students’ interest in the property/casualty actuarial profession and to encourage the pursuit of CAS designations.


Scholarships are awarded on the basis of individual merit. The MAF Scholarship Program will award up to three scholarships to deserving students for the 2024-2025 academic year. Award winners will receive a $2,500 scholarship.

Eligibility – You must meet all requirements to be considered

  • Must submit all sections of the MAF Scholarship application by September 6, 2024.
  • Currently attending a U.S. college or university as a full-time student.
  • Applicants must have sat for at least one actuarial exam by July of 2024.
  • Must be a member of CAS Student Central.
    • Join here for free:
  • Preference will be given to residents or those attending schools in one of the Midwest States (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, or Wisconsin).
  • Applicants should demonstrate high scholastic achievement and strong interest in the casualty actuarial profession, mathematical aptitude, and communications skills.

You must submit:

The four-page MAF Scholarship application and attached essay.

Letter of Recommendation – OPTIONAL

One letter of recommendation may be included along with this application, preferably completed by internship supervisors, instructors, and/or advisers at your educational institution who know you well. However, this is not required.

*Incomplete applications will be disqualified without any consideration to partial information received.

Completed applications are due to by September 6, 2024. You will be notified of award decisions by September 13, 2024.

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CAS Virtual Case Competition

Have you had limited exposure to property and casualty actuarial topics and never competed in a case competition before? Sign up to participate in the Virtual CAS Case Competition exclusively for university students! By participating in this event students will: 

  • Gain practical actuarial experience  
  • Hone their analytical, leadership, and presentation skills 
  • Cultivate teamwork and camaraderie 
  • Obtain relevant experience to highlight on your resume and during interviews  
  • Compete for cash prizes for winners and runners-up

The event would be held over the span of two weeks, with a kickoff session to introduce the case to the teams, followed by two weeks for students to collaborate on their solution on their own time (with access to office hours and mentorship from a CAS actuary), and concluding with a presentation day where the teams’ submissions will be judged and prizes awarded.

The topic will focus on pricing a homeowner’s warranty. Students will be assigned to teams to ensure balance in experience levels. Below please find the tentative timeline for the event: 

  • Deadline Sign-Up: January 29, 2024 
  • Team Formation and Introductions: February 5, 2024 
  • Case Competition Kick-Off: February 9, 2024 
  • Case Competition Town Hall: February 16, 2024 
  • Case Competition Presentations: February 23, 2024 


We encourage university students who attend an actuarial program but have had limited exposure to property and casualty topics, limited access to actuarial internships and have not participated in a case competition before to participate. This event is also well suited for university students at schools without actuarial programs, as well as those who recently learned about the actuarial career 

Register Now!  

Questions? Please email 

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CAS and SOA Exploring Adjustments to Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and Society of Actuaries (SOA) are working together to explore modifications to their jointly-sponsored Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program. A revised program is expected to be announced in 2024 as soon as the review can be completed; in the interim, the current program has been sunset. The Needs-Based Exam Reimbursement Program will remain available to actuarial candidates who demonstrate financial need.

Candidates who sat for CAS or SOA credentialing requirements through December 31, 2023, will still be eligible to apply for a reimbursement through the Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program, with applications due by March 31, 2024

The CAS and SOA remain jointly committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the actuarial profession. The two organizations are considering statistics on the Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program’s usage, existing barriers to entry into the actuarial profession, and the current legal environment to determine a revised program that can best facilitate this enhancement.

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Apply for the 2022-2023 Central States Actuarial Forum (CSAF) Scholarship


APPLICATION DEADLINE:  April 1, 2023                                                            Academic Year:  2022-2023


The objective of the scholarship is to further students’ interest in the property/casualty actuarial profession and to encourage the pursuit of the CAS designations.

Amount of Scholarship

The CSAF Scholarship Program will award $1,500 scholarships to college students for the current or subsequent academic year to assist with exam costs. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of individual merit.

Eligibility – To be considered all applicants must:

  • submit all sections of the CSAF Scholarship application by the application deadline,
  • reside or attend a college or university in one of the Central States,
    (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, or South Dakota)
  • currently attend a U.S. college or university as a full-time student and continue as a full-time student at a U.S. college or university throughout the current academic year,
  • have sat for at least one actuarial exam by the application deadline,
  • be a member of CAS Student Central, and
    (Join here for free:
  • demonstrate high scholastic achievement and strong interest in the casualty actuarial profession, mathematical aptitude, and communication skills.

Additional Rules

You must submit the full CSAF Scholarship application and required short essay.

A current official transcript will also be required from the selected candidate, once the award decision has been made.

Incomplete applications will be disqualified without any consideration to partial information received.

Completed applications are due by April 1, 2023. The award decision will be made April 15, 2023.

Apply Now!

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RPM 2023

Save-the-Date: CAS Student Program at the Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Seminar in San Diego, CA!

RPM 2023The Casualty Actuarial Society is offering an in-person Student Program at this year’s Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Seminar in San Diego, CA on March 14, 2023.  Members of CAS Student Central are invited to participate in this FREE one-day program!

CAS Student Program Attendees Will:

  • Learn More About the CAS, Ratemaking, and the Property and Casualty Industry
  • Network and Connect with CAS Members
  • Attend Professional Concurrent Sessions and Student-Specific Sessions

Registration is open to members of CAS Student Central. Students who are not yet members can easily sign up online, and then register to attend the event. There are a limited number of spaces available, therefore any students that register after we have reached capacity will be placed on a waiting list.

There is no cost for students to register to attend the CAS Student Program, attendees are only responsible for transportation to/from the one-day event.


9:15-9:30am – Registration

9:30-10:15am- Welcome and Introduction to the CAS

10:15-10:30am- Break and Transition

10:30-11:45am- Basic Ratemaking Session

11:45-12pm- Break and Transition

12-1:20pm- Lunch and Speed Networking

1:20-1:30 pm – Break and Transition

1:30-2:45pm- Concurrent session

2:45-2:55 pm – Break and Transition

2:55-3:05 – Evaluation and Group Photo

Loews Coronado Bay

4000 Coronado Bay Road

Coronado, CA ,92118

Please contact CAS University Engagement Manager, Margaret Gaddy, at with questions about the event.

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New Content Outlines Available for MAS-I, MAS-II and Exam 5

The CAS is pleased to announce the publication of the new Content Outlines (formerly referred to as Syllabi) for Exams MAS-I, MAS-II, and 5, as outlined in the Admissions Transformation Plan (ATP). The new content outlines enable candidates to begin their preparations for the new exams, which are anticipated to launch in October/November of 2023. Candidates preparing for the May 2023 sitting of MAS-I, MAS-II and 5 should refer to the current May 2023 Syllabi.

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