CAS Exam Discounts for Students

CAS Data & Insurance Series Courses Discount

The CAS in partnership with The Institutes is pleased to offer a 50% discount for CAS Data & Insurance Series Courses (DISCs) to full-time students and candidates without full-time employment. This discount will apply to the following courses:

The CAS Data & Insurance Series Courses provide candidates with industry and technical knowledge that is used by actuaries in their everyday job duties. While these courses have typically been taken towards the latter part of a candidate’s credentialing journey towards associateship, candidates would benefit from taking these courses after meeting the Exam 1 and 2 requirements to prepare them for internships and their first full time opportunity. They can take the courses remotely, and the new discount will make it more viable for the Online Courses to be taken while still in school, or prior to gaining full-time employment.

Students who are members of CAS Student Central can now apply for a 50% discount by filling out the short form below and receiving a one-time code to use when registering for the course. If you are not a member of CAS Student Central but are a full-time student, you can sign up for membership for free by completing this form.

CAS Student Central Data & Insurance Series Courses Discount Form

Discounts on CAS Exams MAS-I through 9

CAS Student Central members have access to valuable resources to support their professional development. Full-time students are eligible for a 20% discount on CAS exams MAS-I through Exam 9, helping you save on every step of your path toward certification.

The discounts for students are among the many benefits offered through CAS Student Central membership. These benefits are designed to support students’ professional growth, allowing you to progress smoothly through the exam pathway while building expertise in essential topics for your future career.

Full-Time Student CAS Exam Discount Form