Blog Archive

How COVID-19 Brought Me Closer to the Tightly-Knit Actuarial Community
Over the past few months, we have all experienced COVID’s toll. As students, we have seen internships and job offers rescinded, watched on-campus professional development opportunities disappear, and have felt the periodic realization that the best four years of our lives have been placed on hold. As an incoming senior actuarial student at the University » READ MORE

“Insuring” Your Career Against Pandemic Risk
The COVID-19 Pandemic is potentially the single most transformational event to occur to the U. S. Economy since the Great Depression of the 20th Century. What that means for the job market and the property & casualty insurance industry remains unclear. The one certainty is that this event will change how we interact and conduct » READ MORE

Actuarial Students: Stay Sharp and On Track While at Home!
CAS Student Central members, our thoughts and support are with you during this challenging time. To help you stay sharp and on track while home for the remainder of the semester, we’ve compiled the following list of resources to check out! Webinars on a variety of topics ranging from technical training to career advice. Here » READ MORE

2019 Fall CAS Student Central Webinar- How to Pass Your Actuarial Exams: Learn More, Study Less
Last month the CAS and ACTEX Learning hosted a webinar for Student Central members entitled, “How to Pass Your Actuarial Exams: Learn More, Study Less.” The webinar featured Roy Ju, FSA, CERA, MAAA, Mike Jennings, FSA, CERA and Ken Williams FCAS, MAAA, CAS Staff Actuary.

The CAS Trust Scholarship: Expanding its Reach and Impact in the P&C Actuarial Industry
Fall is upon us again, and university students have been back in the classroom for a few weeks now. With the new academic year also come exciting changes to the CAS Trust Scholarship that will not only increase the awards available for college students, but also help position the CAS as the premier actuarial society » READ MORE

Catch up on the Latest Student Central Webinar!
Last spring the CAS hosted a webinar for Student Central members entitled, “A Day in the Life of a Property and Casualty Actuary.” The webinar was presented by CAS Fellows Timothy Vosicky, FCAS, MAAA and Richard Moncher, FCAS, MAAA. The hour long webinar was rich with content and discussed the following topics: What a workday » READ MORE

An Interview with the International Association of Black Actuaries and the Organization of Latino Actuaries
The lack of racial diversity in the actuarial profession is staggering. Here, representatives from the International Association of Black Actuaries and the Organization of Latino Actuaries talk about what they do and how all actuaries can get involved.

How the Organization of Latino Actuaries Supports Students
17%. 9%. 2%. These numbers, often cited by Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) President Alejandro Ortega, represent the percent of the US population who are Latino, the percent of STEM graduates who are Latino, and the percent of newly credentialed actuaries who are Latino, respectively. Clearly, the actuarial profession has a representation problem, and OLA, » READ MORE
Misbehaving is good! (Behavorial Economics Book Review)
In Richard H. Thaler’s book, Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics, Thaler walks the reader through the research and papers that are the foundations of behavioral economics. He does this through amusing anecdotes, examples, and well-explained experiments. Read on for a small sampling…
You’re Invited: CAS Student Programs Overview!
What is one of the many perks about being a CAS Student Central Member? Access to exclusive student programs held at CAS meetings and seminars! These one-day programs are offered at no cost throughout the year, and attendance is limited to Student Central members. Why attend a CAS Student Program? They provide the opportunity to » READ MORE

A Tale of Two Sittings (TBE Review)
A comparison of the initial Exam 5 TBE sitting and the make-up exam that followed.

Actuaries Working Abroad
Future Fellows: What was your career path prior to working abroad? Celeste Bremen: After graduating from University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Economics from the business school, I started my career with Zurich North America, in a Reserving function. Lucia Batista: I did three internships during my time in college, with the last one being with » READ MORE

From TBE to TBD
So…how about that TBE?

Preparing for TBE
Technology-based examination (TBE) is finally here! Are you ready? I am…except for one little detail. Check out what it’s been like for me preparing for the future of our exams.

Get to Know The CAS Institute
CAS Student Central sat down with Amy Brener, director of The CAS Institute (iCAS), to get responses to some of your frequently asked questions about iCAS and the Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) credential. What is The CAS Institute? The CAS Institute – or iCAS for short – is a subsidiary of the CAS. » READ MORE

Ask an Actuary – David Wright Part 2: Being a Catastrophe Modeler
I hope we didn’t keep you in suspense for too long after our previous blog on How a Catastrophe Model Works. Today we have the second part of my interview with David Wright, ACAS, CFA: Being a Catastrophe Modeler.

Ask an Actuary – David Wright Part 1: How a Catastrophe Model Works
Hurricanes! Cyber risk! Hail storms! Catastrophe modeling sounds dramatic and exciting; is it really that crazy? I chatted with Beach Group’s Head of Analytics in North America and host of the Not Unreasonable podcast to find out. David Wright, ACAS, CFA, breaks down how a cat model works.

CAS Basic Education Update, Study Tips and Techniques Webinar Recap!
CAS Student Central hosted a webinar last month to provide you with actuarial exam study tips and techniques, and to update you on recent changes to CAS credentialing requirements. The webinar was presented by Ken Fikes, FCAS, Director at The Infinite Actuary, and Rick Gorvett, FCAS, CAS Staff Actuary. Didn’t get the chance to catch » READ MORE

CAS Trust Scholarship – Winner Experience and How to Apply
In addition to up to $10,000 toward their educations, CAS Trust Scholarship winners are invited to attend the CAS Annual Meeting each year. Read about a current winner’s experience at the 2017 CAS Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA, in November. Then learn how you or someone you know can apply!

Actuaries in Non-traditional Roles: Robotics and Cognitive Computing
It’s an exciting time to be an actuary. The use of big data and advanced analytics are on the rise, and this gives actuaries a chance to change the way they approach actuarial analysis. Read on for an interview with Catherine Cao, FCAS and her role in Robotics and Cognitive Computing!

Working Abroad
Working Abroad Taking a Risk and Making It Work Hello! It’s me again – Derek. If we haven’t had a chance to meet yet, I’m a published blog author. Based on the number of likes on my last post, I’ve changed the lives of at least 5 people. (Although actually one like is from myself…) Anyways, my side job is also being an » READ MORE
Exam 9 Integrative Question Grading Process
For the first time this spring, candidates taking Exam 9 were given an Integrative Question (IQ), which tests multiple areas of the syllabus. We spoke with Syllabus and Examination Committee Chair William Wilder to learn more about the grading process for this new type of question.

Q&A With The Authors of Actuarial Exam Tactics: Learn More, Study Less
If someone told you one could study less and learn better, would you believe them? Would you be willing to know how this might be possible? Roy Ju, the youngest FSA in SOA history, and Mike Jennings, FSA claim to have the answer.

Welcome Back!
We have several topics to fill the upcoming season, and we want to hear your thoughts, too!

10 Things to Consider Before Landing Your First Actuarial Job
Ever since I began my career as an actuary, I’ve been passionate about helping students navigate the uncertainties of their initial job search. Choosing a path after college is already difficult, and once you’ve chosen to go down the path of a career as an actuary, the question becomes, “how do I get my first » READ MORE

Candidate Experience: Consulting Firm vs. Insurance Carrier
A common question asked by candidates searching for their first actuarial job is, “Should I work for a consulting firm or a traditional insurance carrier?” In Future Fellows December 2008 & March 2009, we addressed several myths about the similarities and differences of consulting firms vs. insurance carriers from the points of view of long-term » READ MORE

Shape the Future of the CAS Online Experience
Before you decided to become an actuary, did you do some online research to find out more about the profession? Was one of your resources And did you sometimes struggle to find what you were looking for within the CAS website? For many actuaries, the answers to all of the above is yes.

Student Central Webinar Recap: Landing Your First Actuarial Job
Last week we had our spring Student Central webinar focused on helping you land your first actuarial job or internship. Our panel was composed of a broad spectrum of recruiting experts. Phil Natoli, a Fellow of the CAS and member of the American Academy of Actuaries, manager in insurance and actuarial advisory services at Ernst » READ MORE
The Last Month: Tips on Healthy Living While Performing Optimally
Every actuarial student feels the pressure when there is less than a month left until exam day. We sometimes feel that it is the time to give it all, which makes us neglect our physical and mental health, thinking “I will catch up on it after the exam.” However, we should not consider studying and » READ MORE

Developing Oneself as a Holistic Actuary
As an actuarial student, it may seem that the path to success (employment, credentials, and more) is solely based on academic achievement. Students are often under the assumption that if they pass X exams and have Y GPA, they will be able to score a coveted actuarial internship or entry-level position. Through my experiences, I » READ MORE

Insurance Careers Month and the CAS Resources Available to Support You!
This February marks the second annual Insurance Careers Month campaign. The CAS is proud to participate in this campaign alongside over 600 insurance organizations to spread the message of insurance as the “Career Trifecta”: stable, rewarding, and limitless. Insurance Careers Month and the broader year-round movement align well with the CAS’s extensive ongoing university engagement » READ MORE

Justin Young Joins Candidate Liaison Committee, Plans to Communicate Candidate Frustrations
For our final profile of new CLC members, today we introduce you to Justin Young, with interests ranging from mathematical art to sports and trivia. Justin hopes to be a voice for the candidate experience. Read More

John Klodnicki Joins CLC, Looking to Bring a Fresh Perspective as a Recent College Student
Being a recent graduate from University of Delaware, John is looking forward to provide a fresh perspective to the CAS from a college student’s point of view, and bring along new ideas for the Future Fellows newsletter to communicate important changes to candidates. Read More

Modern Actuarial Statistics I and II: New Exams for an Evolving Profession
“Well, there they go again…” Any actuaries who have lived through a change in exam structure have probably said, heard, or at least sympathized with this sentiment. I suspect that students and faculty interested in actuarial science may be having similar thoughts right now. I recall struggling to comprehend the impact of exam changes during » READ MORE

Celeste Bremen Joins Candidate Liaison Committee, Hopes to Bring Global Perspective
We have the privilege of introducing Celeste Bremen to you as one of the incoming Candidate Representatives. Celeste is an actuarial analyst at Zurich North America, and she has been appointed to a two-year term on the committee. Read More
Year End Review: CAS Student Central Resources and Your Feedback
As we get ready to celebrate the holidays and enter a new year we’d like to reflect on the CAS Student Central resources made available to you this past year, as well as hear from you about what you enjoyed, found useful, and what you’d like to see more of in the coming year. We » READ MORE

A Haunting Actuarial Analysis – Part II
Part I was posted last week and can be read here: Are you back? Good. Here is a summary of the aggregate survey results, including comments often originating from some of my wonderful CAS Staff colleagues, from most risky to least risky monsters. (1) Dracula / Vampires Based on average survey ranking, the most » READ MORE

A Haunting Actuarial Analysis – Part I
Careers rarely unfold the way you had originally anticipated. Take the following hypothetical: After graduating from college, you begin a position as Actuarial Analyst for a major property-casualty insurance company. You work for a few years, passing actuarial exams regularly, achieving an ACAS designation (with the FCAS right around the corner!), and getting very positive » READ MORE

5 Tips for Starting your Actuarial Career
The CAS University Engagement Committee contacted DW Simpson, and invited them to write a blog post to provide you with information and tips to help you with your search for an actuarial position. We thank DW Simpson’s Adam Noreen, Actuarial Recruiter, for writing this post to share with members of CAS Student Central. Over » READ MORE

Managing Pokémon Risk – Part I
You’re a university student, walking down a sidewalk in your neighborhood, your eyes fixed intently on your smartphone screen. You move your phone slowly from side to side, surveying the landscape. “If there’s anything here, I’ll find it,” you think to yourself. Suddenly, you see something, just ahead and to the left, on the periphery » READ MORE
Get to Know the 2016 CAS Trust Scholarship Winners
The CAS Trust Scholarship Committee is excited to announce this year’s winners of the CAS Trust Scholarship: Chase Yetter, Chloe Marshinski, and Sarah Rumon. Chase Yetter, a rising senior at Lebanon Valley College double majoring in actuarial science and mathematics, was this year’s recipient of the $10,000 CAS Trust Scholarship. “When I was a student » READ MORE

How Coffee Can Make Your Career (An Emoji Illustrated Story☕)
My name is Derek and I am an actuary. I work at CNA Insurance headquartered in Chicago. I recently took a role in London, England so I live there now. Hello from 4,000 miles away! Today, I am writing my first blog post with a career tip for you curious future actuaries. Being my first » READ MORE

How Actuaries Stay Informed and Up-To-Date
The CAS exam process provides aspiring property and casualty actuaries with a solid foundation in insurance and actuarial topics. But how can university students, candidates, and credentialed actuaries stay informed and up-to-date on the latest industry trends? The first place to turn to is the CAS, which produces a variety of publications. You may already » READ MORE

An Actuary’s Advice for Students Taking Exams
We thank Syed Danish Ali, for sharing this post with members of CAS Student Central. A version of this post was originally on the University of London’s student blog. There are two aspects to consider that are relevant in undertaking any actuarial exam. The first is the psychological and the second is technical; I will » READ MORE

My Experience Landing a Job as an International Student
A year ago I was an international student studying at the University of Toronto. I am from China, and I decided to pursue my dream of becoming an actuary in Canada six years ago. There are lots of exciting opportunities there, but as I embarked on my job search, I realized that there were cultural » READ MORE

What Sets a Strong Actuarial Resume Apart
The CAS University Engagement Committee contacted Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment, and invited them to write a blog post to provide you with information and tips to help you with your search for an actuarial position. We thank Ezra Penland’s Matthew Optiz, Actuarial Recruiter and Margi Patel, Actuarial Recruiter, for writing this post to share with members » READ MORE

A Scholarship that Pays in More Ways than One
For more than a decade, the CAS Trust Scholarship has been awarded annually to post-secondary student leaders dedicated to a career in casualty actuarial science. I am grateful to have been selected as one of this year’s winners and thrilled to have been offered an invitation and all-expenses-paid trip to the 2016 CAS Annual Meeting » READ MORE

2016 ASNA Convention – Network, Connect, Learn and More
The Actuarial Students National Association (ASNA) is a student-led organization that was established by three individuals in 1990. It has now grown to include fourteen universities as member organizations. Our primary goal is to provide students a larger resource base, keeping them abreast with industry knowledge while they attend university, and to foster a dialogue between » READ MORE

How to Get Involved on Campus: The Actuarial Way
I didn’t dream about becoming an actuary when I was growing up. I didn’t research it as I was applying to colleges. I didn’t even plan on it when I started college. However, once I discovered the career a year into college, I decided that it was the path I wanted to pursue. Learning that » READ MORE

How My Interest in Guiding Actuarial Students Led to a New Career Path
In 2006, I partook in the creation of an online company, The Infinite Actuary, to provide online actuarial exam prep seminars. Responding to the idea that came from my business partner, James Washer, FSA, a small group of actuaries with teaching experience collaborated to form The Infinite Actuary. However, my story starts long before this. » READ MORE

Top 10 Interview Questions for Actuarial Students
The CAS University Engagement Committee contacted Pauline Reimer, director at Pryor Associates, and invited her to write a blog post to provide interview tips for CAS Student Central members, that you can utilize as you embark on your early career. As a seasoned, designated actuary as well as an experienced actuarial recruiter, I advise trainees » READ MORE

The Key Factors that Defined My Actuarial Career Choices
Early in my career, people would often ask me how I ended up on my specific career path as an actuary. As a freshman studying Actuarial Science at Ball State University, I took a very active role early on in Gamma Iota Sigma, the International Risk Management Fraternity. I went to every employer campus presentation » READ MORE

Career Path Perspectives: The Consulting Actuary
As insurance and regulation needs of companies continue to evolve, the role of a consulting actuary is becoming increasingly important to business. In addition to corporations, consultants work with insurance companies, government entities, healthcare entities and regulators. Consultants will often work directly with CEOs, CFOs and risk managers, who are concerned with minimizing the risk » READ MORE

6 Tips for Landing and Excelling at an Actuarial Internship
3 Tips for Landing an Actuarial Internship 1. Stay Ahead of the Game: The timing of when you get your resume out to a company is critical. It’s important to know that most companies tend to finish hiring in December for the actuarial summer intern positions. This means you should plan to update and polish » READ MORE

Career Path Perspectives: The Insurance Company Actuary
Over the next few months, Future Focus will publish a series of blog posts written by actuaries working in various fields of the actuarial profession. These blog posts will help inform you about different paths to consider as you prepare for your future career. Our first post is authored by Krista Robinson, FCAS, who provides » READ MORE
Valuable Opportunities Offered Through the International Association of Black Actuaries
We invited Kate Weaver, Executive Director of the International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA) to share information about IABA and the opportunities available to students through this organization. To learn about the benefits of student membership, and access information about the IABA scholarship, networking opportunities, and Job Board, read on. What is IABA? IABA is » READ MORE

Three Modern-World Risks That Will Invigorate the P&C Insurance Industry
As the future of the property and casualty insurance industry, we know that you are interested in topics related to emerging risks. Take a moment to read this blog post, shared earlier this month with CAS members, and familiarize yourself with the exciting changes and risks that are facing the insurance industry. Knowledge of these » READ MORE

Four Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting to Study for Actuarial Exams…
4. Your study approach from university can serve as a foundation, but it may need an overhaul… Don’t get me wrong, university exams are tough, but actuarial exams will push your intellectual limits. Why? University exams are often bound by more constraints than actuarial exams. First, there is only so much material that can be » READ MORE

How to Get the Most Out of Networking Events at the 2015 ASNA Convention – and Beyond
The actuarial community, while expanding remarkably, remains a tight-knit network. It is vital that aspiring actuaries actively participate in events which encourage interaction amongst students and professionals, to plant and nurture the seeds that will develop into fruitful future professional relationships – and student conventions are a great place to start! Each year, the Actuarial » READ MORE

Exciting New Content and Resources on CAS Student Central
Have you had a chance to visit the CAS Student Central website lately? While we are always updating the website with the latest P&C news, and announcements about new opportunities and resources available to you, over the past few months, CAS Student Central has added quite a bit of new website content that will help » READ MORE

Why Predictive Modeling is Important to Your Future as an Actuary
Over the past decade, predictive modeling has become an important topic in the actuarial community. This informative Future Fellows newsletter article, published in 2012, provides a good overview of the subject and also puts forth a simple definition of predictive modeling: using past data to predict the probability of some future outcome. Initially utilized by » READ MORE

Opportunities for CAS Student Central Members to Interact With and Learn From P&C Actuaries
What is the most important advice for students interested in pursuing a property & casualty actuarial career? Which exams and classes are most important to take during college? How do I decide between P&C, Life, and Health? What is the difference between working for a consulting firm vs. an insurance company? As you are considering » READ MORE

Powering Positivity Throughout the Internship Process
“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” –Henry Ford This is one » READ MORE

Internships with Impact
Your first internship can be an intimidating experience. Surrounded by professionals in a business environment, new interns tend to have many questions, and sometimes miss out on great opportunities. Recent intern testimonials from Temple University’s Sigma Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma show common trends among students who completed internships. Many of these students had rewarding » READ MORE

Perspectives on the CARe Seminar on Reinsurance Student Program
On May 21, 2014, 30 members of CAS Student Central participated in the CARe Seminar on Reinsurance Student Program held in New York City. Two student attendees and recent graduates, Yeshaya Rosner, graduate of Touro College, and Woosuk Yoo, graduate of the State University of New York Binghamton, have written about the experience. Summary of » READ MORE
Advice to Prepare You for Your Actuarial Internship This Summer
My name is Betty, and I am graduating from the University of Toronto this month. As I am setting out to leave the University and start a full-time position in personal line pricing with Economical Insurance, I think back to my internships that helped me get to where I am today. As many of you » READ MORE

My Experience Attending the Student Program at the Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
As an international student with a non-traditional background (Math PhD), I am convinced that I cannot rely on the conventional channels to help me land my first actuarial job. Coming from an academic background, I understand that professional conferences are the best place to meet people and to build professional relationships. So when I heard » READ MORE
Why I Chose the Property and Casualty Route
A friend in my actuarial classes absolutely loves talking about mortality and death. Not really my thing. I joke that that’s my motivation behind choosing property and casualty over life and health. But in all seriousness, there are several factors that contributed to my decision. I am excited by the variety of opportunities within property » READ MORE
An Introduction to Actuarial Internships
One of the most important things to do when looking for an actuarial internship is to educate yourself about the actuarial career. Companies do not expect you to know how to go about a rate revision or know what a loss triangle is, however, you should be familiar with the admissions process (exams, VEE requirements, » READ MORE
Bridging the Gap Between College and Career
Like some of you, I entered college knowing that I wanted to become an actuary, but without a formal actuarial program at my school, the first step toward my actuarial career seemed like a crash course in independent research. Sure, I had read the general description of the profession, had a sense of where an » READ MORE