2019 Fall CAS Student Central Webinar- How to Pass Your Actuarial Exams: Learn More, Study Less
Last month the CAS and ACTEX Learning hosted a webinar for Student Central members entitled, “How to Pass Your Actuarial Exams: Learn More, Study Less.” The webinar featured Roy Ju, FSA, CERA, MAAA, Mike Jennings, FSA, CERA and Ken Williams FCAS, MAAA, CAS Staff Actuary.
In 2015, Roy Ju broke the world record as the youngest FSA of all time (age 20). After fifteen months of testing these strategies and accelerating his own exam process (passing 2 preliminary exams, a fellowship exam, the FAP modules, and the FSA modules over this period), he partnered with Mike Jennings to share these strategies with all actuarial students. Together they wrote the book, Actuarial Exam Tactics: Learn More, Study Less.
In this webinar, they shared exclusive insights from the book’s three pillars:
- Effectiveness (how to pass)
- Efficiency (how to pass in less time)
- Adherence (how to stick to your study schedule)
Additionally, Ken Williams walked through the CAS credentialing process, outlining the steps to become an Associate and Fellow of the CAS.
All three presenters spent time answering questions that actuarial students had submitted both in advance, and throughout the webinar.
Want to learn how you can optimize your study time and pass your exams? View the webinar in the Student Central Online Community and download the presentation deck!
If you attended the webinar and weren’t one of the 10 lucky winners selected to receive a copy of the book, Actuarial Exam Tactics, Learn More, Study Less, there’s still a chance to win a $100 ACTEX gift card. See details below in the message from ACTEX.

“How to Pass Your Actuarial Exams: Learn More, Study Less” is just one of many free webinars exclusively for CAS Student Central members on the CAS Student Central website
- Additional webinar recordings available to you include:
The CAS will be hosting another Student Central webinar in the Spring. Let us know what topics you would like to be presented on next by commenting below!
Message from ACTEX:
ACTEX works closely with authors like Roy Ju and Mike Jennings to bring you the best materials to help you pass your exams and support you throughout your actuarial journey. If you would like to learn more about what ACTEX has to offer, please visit us here so we can customize your experience
Additionally, you have the chance to win $100 ACTEX gift card by submitting a review to Amazon and sending a copy of that review to Lauren Hettler at lauren@actexmadriver.com.